The Mountain Goats Wiki

This song of unknown title (given the unofficial name Stuck in Time to differentiate it from other such songs) is an unreleased song by The Mountain Goats. The lyrics were written for Sweden, and John Darnielle finished writing it for a one-off 2010 show.


Standing silent when I see 
Icicles hanging from the trees 
Loon calling on the evening wind 
Something new in mind, new in mind
Stillness enveloping this town 
Bulbs opening underground 
And I saw a young dog on its way 
Down the street today  

We grow nameless as we feel the blood race 
Henceforth through our bodies 
On its mission to no place  

What am I becoming when I see 
The way you look at me 
One frozen river
Stuck in time 

Comments by John Darnielle About this Song[]

Things Referenced in this Song[]

Live Shows this Song Was Played at[]
