02-75 is an unreleased song by the Mountain Goats.
I got your letter And I read what it said And I blushed with recognition At every word you said And you are my best friend And I have always known you I dreamed of your house And I looked around And I saw the real rain, real power rolling down And you, you are my best friend And I, I have always known you
Comments by John Darnielle About this Song[]
- "This is the first love song that I wrote for my girlfriend." -- 1997-06-22 - Cat's Cradle
- "This is called 02-75. It was a love song I wrote for my wife before she was my wife". -- 2008-05-26 - Daytrotter Session
- "My girlfriend’s post office box when she went to Grinnell College in Iowa was box number 02-75. I used to write her there before we had met. She used to write me back." -- as quoted in "A Constant Reminder That People Burn And So Does Time"
Things Referenced in this Song[]
Live Shows this Song Was Played at[]
- 1996-09-03 - Fletcher's - Baltimore, MD
- 1997-06-22 - Cat's Cradle - Carrboro, NC
- 1998-04-23 - Black Watch Pub - Claremont, CA
- 1999-01-23 - High Hat Blues Club - Athens, GA
- 1999-01-27 - Cat's Cradle - Carrboro, NC
- 2001-06-23 - Bottom of the Hill - San Francisco, CA
- 2002-11-06 - Knitting Factory - New York, NY
- 2002-11-08 - Go! Rehearsal Studios, Room 4 - Carrboro, NC
- 2003-02-06 - Spitz - London, England
- 2003-06-27 - Mains D'oeuvres, Mofo Festival - Paris, France
- 2003-08-23 - Breadstretchers - Springfield, IL
- 2008-05-26 - Daytrotter Session - Daytrotter Studio - Rock Island, IL
- 2010-05-16 - BreastFest - American Theater Company - Chicago, IL
- 2010-06-02 - The Rickshaw Theatre - Vancouver, British Columbia
- 2010-06-07 - Macewan Hall - Calgary, Alberta